Thursday, May 28, 2009

A fantastic blog for you SVG loving guys 'n gals

Just thought I'd share this one with you all, in case you haven't come across it as yet, this is a very cool blog that is an svg search engine, check it out if you get a chance.

Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List

Enjoy, Cheers Kris xo

LOS Challenge #3 Entry for Scraps of Us

Well, OMG how lucky was I this time, the challenge was to use at least 3 colours from a pic that was supplied (I chose Pink, Blue & Lime Green) and we had to include 1 handmade tree, 1 handmade bird, and 3 handmade flowers, all I can say is yeeehaaaaaaaaaa Paper Piecing Heaven :)

So here is my entry that was submitted for this current Round, crossing my fingers now for a week or so lol lol

Now for my svg loving friends, the svg's for the paper doll are available for purchase only from MYSCRAPCHICK. Her files rock!!!! but don't despair, there are some for the other bits n pieces on the page lol such as the TREE, the BIRD (made from the bird svg in BLACKOUT function & 2 love hearts which you can just get from your shapes, I made them a bit squished for this project), and the LEAVES for the tree (which I make in 2 different colours & different sizes) adds a bit of variety to your tree lol

:) Enjoy and happy crafting my friends xo Kris

A girl can never have enough Envelope Templates it seems :)

Don't know why exactly, but since trading in my baby bug for the Expression I am totally lovin, yeah that's right, LOVIN being able to make my own envelopes, in every colour of the rainbow too if the fancy takes :)

Here's a screen-shot for you.....

Anyway, here is the latest little mini-envelope pattern I've been playing with. Of course with SCAL you can cut it at any size you like, so doesn't need to be only a mini-envelope. ENJOY my fellow crafters & have a FABULOUS DAY xo Kris