Sunday, September 13, 2009

Vroooooooooooooooooooooom OMG SuperPowerBoats at Moreton Bay today :)

OMG these things were UNREAL!!! They are so loud and fast omg was incredibly good fun trying to catch photos of these guys today. Here's a pic of "Big Red" as I was calling him, anything red and big and fast has gotta be good don't ya think? lol

I couldn't believe how low these helicopters fly over the boats and even scarier, the turkeys who are filming from the helicopters, man I'm talking, could see legs hanging out of the doors, holy cow!!!! Adrenalin junkies or what?? hehehe

We went for a quick cruise through the Scarborough Marina yesterday and saw a couple of these guys up on their trailers, OMFG they are HUGE HUGE HUGE! The engines are enormous, trailers the size of a house, unbelievably gorgeous pieces of machinery is all I can say.

We were going to trek up this arvie after the race finished to check them all out and grab some photos, but family called and informed us we were supposed to be visiting with them, like wtf? when did we make that plan I wonder?? but anyway, nature of the beast, keep everyone happy happy happy, so we had to ditch our plans :( oh well, always next year I suppose....

Hope you all had a happy & safe weekend,

Cheers Kris :)