Sunday, October 4, 2009

Imagine, Dream, Believe....Crafty Sketches Entry for September 15 Challenge

This is my entry that I've submitted for the September 15th Challenge on Crafty Sketches Swing by and have a go, still some time until this one closes. The 1st October Challenge is also up ready for your creative hands to get going on! Come on and have a go!!

I absolutely ADORE this photograph of Miss Ellen that I happened to just snap when she was having one of her "off with the fairies" episodes lol I'm just amazed at how beautiful the blue of her eyes are, they are oh so dreamy. So when I saw this challenge & the sketch actually had the words, Imagine, Believe & Dream on there, I thought yeeehaaaa this will work perfectly. Gave me a chance to lash out irrationally on the bling "oh god how I love that stuff" lol.

Anyhoo, off to create some more entries for challenges, having a blast with them all at the moment, we've just gotten back from my sister's place, they have an inground pool, still a lil bit cool for swimming (for people with commonsense anyway) didn't stop the kids though, I swear these kids of mine are part mermaid lol they just LOVE the water! Who am I to stop them....hehehe photo opportunities lmao.

Take care & I hope you all had a great weekend, in good health :) Cheers Kris