Sunday, April 7, 2013


Oh my goodness me.....well I am so sorry I decided to change my blog background set around...needed a little change from all that pink!!!  What a freakin disaster that was, slowly getting it back into order but had to seriously stop and take note of the wonderful super amazing talents at THE CUTEST BLOG ON THE BLOCK for their insanely AWESOME Tutorials on how to get your blog to look the way it should when you purchase Blogwear, not this rubbishy Blogger crapola!  Thankyou thankyou thankyou is all I can say.  Now to fix my sidebars and a few other little dramas and I can move on again!


  1. Hi Kris, so sorry to see your blog like this and read your post. Hope you get it set like you want to.

    Hugs, Petra

  2. I hope you get it to where you want it soon!!! In the meantime, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Please come check it out
    xx xo

  3. It's my first visit and I am loving what I see! So many fun svgs you have shared! I would love to subscribe so I don't miss any new ones-but I am not finding a subscribe option anywhere... can you possibly add one? I am a follower,but only way I see what is new is if I subscribe and it comes to my email..

    Thanks, Karen Hasheck

    1. Hi Karen, thanks for your feedback and request, I will check into that for you.

  4. Just found your blog from a Pooh Bear Pinterest pin. Thanks for sharing such wonderful SVG's! I'm now following you on Pinterest.
