Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hearts & Circles

Still playing about with MTC having a little bit of fun while learning some of these basic tricks...one day I will master this stuff...but alas until then....basics :) lol

Here's what I came up with while playing with the wrap to path features (yes I know...baby steps right?) lol

You can grab the SVG file for this HERE if you like.

Have fun crafting peeps xo


  1. ok...what is the wrap to path feature..something new in Make the Cut 3.3.3?

  2. Hi G-ma, I believe it is an older feature yes, I just had never bothered to play with it, until now as I have some free time on my hands. I found a great tutorial on the MTC forum that you can download a PDF tutorial for this function, here is the link


    Hope you find it as handy as I do, just have a play around with different shapes, svgs & text.

    Cheers Kris
