OMG what can I say, I had a blast, as I always do with the girls on scrapsofus ..... find them HERE
Thanks Tina for an awesome evening, Vic thanks for having a fabulous group and of course hosting these online events, they are such great fun :) Looking forward to the next one in February woohoo.
Well this evening we made a door hanger, my daughter wanted me to do Tinkerbell for her door, her wish was my command...... only took me a whole evening the night before to muck about with the vector file for a Tinkerbell, other than her little eyes which just wouldn't cut, it turned out not too shabby. (Pardon my badly handcut peepers) lol
Needless to say, she LURVES it soooo much, it inspired her to go and clean her door after I took this photo OMG got a few more doors to add hangers too me thinks :) Start cleanin them doors kiddies lol lol lol