Anyhooo, the ever so lovely Energy company went kaput and several suburbs here have been without power for the last 2+ hours of this stinky hot what to do, what to do???
Thank god for scrapbooking lol lol lol.... bought myself a little starter stash of Alcohol Inks today from the lovely Robyn at Discover Scrapbooking and decided what better thing to do whilst waiting for fans and computers to come back to life....but to sit on the back patio in the tiny dash of a breeze hahahaha *gosh that's hysterical* should read, blistering heatwave lol, and do a bit of experimenting with these new Tim Holtz Alcohol Inks, man I love the smell of these things PMSL.
Anyways.....dribbling away here like a loon ....must be the heat...
I found a fabulous little Tin I bought a few years ago, lurking in my stash .... sit still long enough in this house and you are destined to be covered in something .... INK GLORIOUS INK today.
I am still most definately in lurve with this stuff, how cool is this
And here is the back, totally different effect yet again, yet the same colours were used....go figure eh...
Oh and what is the ink tin hiding.......
INK silly billy :) ROFPMSL Oh dear, I think the heat has finally gotten to me, thank goodness, cuppa tea time me thinks :) Thanks for looking.... Cheers Kris.... PS have a great scrappy day!