Fathers' Day today, managed to eventually cook up some Bacon & Eggs for the troops to enjoy out on the back patio in the glorious morning sun. The kids showered Dad with all their sweet lil gifts that they made & bought at school and a couple of exciting things from mum like a new shaver (hmm good for the legs too eh lol) and a Jim Beam Money box stuffed with fudge (revolting stuff) but he loved the JB money box part lol as I knew he would.
Had my Mum & Dad swing by for a visit, they've just gotten home earlier this week from a trip to Melbourne (said it was blardy freeeeeeezing) they took the RV down to attend my younger Brother's wedding, bought me home a CD of piccies (wooohooo gotta be happy with that). My eldest son Josh, was unfortunately involved in a vehicle crash this week, thank God he is okay, and somehow managed to make it out without a single mark/cut/scratch on him! Don't ask me how, the kid's car ended up literally "up a pole" vertical!!! Bloody 4wD cleaned him up from behind...just no excuse for that ... once again a valid reason why 4WD's shouldn't be on our damn roads!!!
Anyhoo, on a happier note, decided to tackle Brigitte's gorgeous Sketch Challenge on ScrapWithV for September, needed something constructive to do and well that was the first thing I saw when I jumped onto my lappy.
This is the sketch....

And this is what I came up with...